Coronavirus is an important issue that challenges all of us, both in our personal & professional lives.That is why at Morgenstern Energy we are taking the upmost care when it comes to the safety of our staff and clients, as wellas taking measures to ensure government guidelines are being followed correctly.We are open and continue to provide services to our clients by putting in place robust health and safety controls at project sites to ensure efficient services delivery.



Helping you make a smarter and safer choice for tank cleaning…
About Us
At Morgenstern Energy delivery and innovation are cornerstones of how we work. We provide no-man entry tank cleaning services using ATEX 0 robotic techonology, asset maintenance build & optimization, safety & reliability studies and inspection services. We are always willing to explore new and improved ways of delivering asset integrity and process safety with our clients. Our consultants are well experienced across various assets and global regions which together with smart technologies enable us deliver pragmatic and sustainable solutions to our clients with particular focus on technical quality and Safety leadership that differentiates our clients from the pack.
Our approach is to partner with our clients to understand the uniqueness of their needs. We further analyze clients’ demands to ensure avoidance of over-demand which could lead to excessive cost with minimal/no value-added or under-demand which could lead to missed opportunities. Morgenstern Energy aims to proffer pragmatic solutions and deliver the solutions efficiently – on time, on cost, to quality. Morgenstern Energy’s solutions are scalable to the needs, size, and constraints of our clients; so each of our clients has a unique and sustainable offering.
At Morgenstern Energy, our service range enables our clients in the Oil & Gas and Petrochemicals industries to meet their commitments on process safety and asset integrity. Some of the innovative technologies we adopt include zone 0 robotic tank cleaning (no-man entry), autonomous robotic UT inspection, etc. Our technology benefits include eliminating personnel exposure to hazards, avoiding the risk of fire/explosion during operation in hazardous areas, faster turnaround time attributed to fewer requirements i.e. scaffolding, Confined space entry & rescue planning, mandatory manpower, etc. See Our Service page for the full-service list. For detailed service enquires to understand how Our Services can be applied to your operations please Contact us.